• Attendance

    Students are not allowed on campus before 7:20 a.m. unless eating breakfast.  Breakfast hours are from 7:05 a.m.-7:35 a.m.

    When your child is absent, please verify their absence by calling the school office at (909) 580-5016 ext. 7100 or sending a note  with your child upon their return to school. Unverified absences will be considered truant. Student's can sign up for Saturday School (links below) and each one attended clears a full day of absence.

    Absences of three or more days will require a doctor's note. If your student is out for 3 or more days, you can request that they utilize Short-Term Independent Study.  Please contact the front office and we will put your request in with our Bridge Tutor.

    If a student is absent nine consecutive days, without a qualified excuse (i.e., illness with doctor's  note), they will be dropped on the 10th day.

    Please try to schedule any appointments after school hours or when your child is off-track. However, if this is not possible,  please have your child attend as much of the school day as possible. Doctor verification may be required.

  • Saturday School Information

    Students may register for Saturday School using either the Link below or by scanning the QR code using your camera on your electronic device. Sign ups close by 1:00 pm of the Thursday, immediately before the Saturday School date.

Use this QR code to sign up for Saturday School