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Work Experience/Permits_Gen Summ of Minors Work Regulations

General Summary of Minors' Work Regulations

State child labor laws and the child labor provisions of the federal Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) govern most California employers.
If federal laws, state laws, and school district policies conflict, the more restrictive law (that which is most protective of the employee) prevails.
Generally, minors must attend school until age 18 unless they are 16 years or older and have graduated from high school or received a state Certificate of Proficiency.

Minors under the age of 18 may not work in occupations declared hazardous for young workers as listed below.

1. Power-driven food slicing/processing
2. Motor vehicle driving/outside helper
3. Power baking/dough-making machines
4. Power-driven paper products/paper bailing
5. Logging and saw-milling
6. Power-driven woodworking machines
7. Manufacturing brick, and tile products
8. Power-driven hoists/forklifts
9. Excavation operations
10. Power-driven metal forming, punching, & shearing machines
11. Explosives 
12. Feed box crusher
13. Radiation exposure
14. Coal mining
15. Human Directional Sign
16. Power saws and shears
17. Wrecking, demolition
18. Roofing
19. Other mining


For more information about hazardous occupations, contact the U.S. Department of Labor (Child Labor Bulletins 101 and 102) and the California Department of Industrial Relations, Division of Labor Standards Enforcement. Regional offices are located in several California cities. They are listed in the “Government Listings” sections of telephone directories.
Labor laws set the basic minimum age of 16 years for general employment. Persons younger than 16 years are allowed to work only in limited, specified occupations that exclude baking, manufacturing, processing, construction, warehouse, and transportation occupations.
Labor laws applicable to adult employees are also generally applicable to minor employees, including workers’ compensation insurance requirements.
Child labor laws do not generally apply to minors who deliver newspapers or work at odd jobs, such as yard work and babysitting, or in private homes where the minor is not regularly employed.
Employers of minors required to attend school must complete a “Statement of Intent to Employ Minor and Request for Work Permit Certificate of Age” (form B1-1) for the school district of attendance for each such minor. Employers must themselves have on file for each such minor a “Permit to Employ and Work” (form B1-4). Work permits (B1-4) must be open at all times for inspection by sanctioned authorities.
A work permit (B1-4) must be revoked whenever the issuing authority determines the employment is illegal or is impairing the health or education of the minor.
A day of rest from work is required if the total hours worked per week exceeds 30 or if more than 6 hours are worked on any one day during the week.
Work Experience/Permits_Work Permits

Work Permits

To obtain a work permit, students (Age 14+) must maintain satisfactory grades and attendance. Students who fall below the district standard in grades or attendance will be in jeopardy of losing their work permit.

Students must have a job offer before they can get a work permit. After a student has been offered a job, they need to get a B1-1 form (Statement of Intent to Employ Minor and Request for Work Permit - Certificate of Age) filled out. That form must have the complete Social Security Number, the new job information, employer's, parent's, and student's signatures.

School Closed for Break
If school is out for Thanksgiving, Winter, Spring, or Summer break, contact the district office to turn in the Request for Work permit to get the permit, or wait until school is in session again. The district office cannot generate work permits when the High School Work Experience offices are open.

AGES: 16 – 17
When school is in session: Daily maximum 4 hours, Monday through Thursday. May work up to 8 hours on any non-school day or on any day that precedes a non-school day. May be permitted to work up to 24 hours per week.

Work Experience Education program students may be permitted to work a maximum of 8 hours on a school day. May be permitted to work up to 40 hours per week.

When school is not in session: (Summer, Spring, and Winter Break) Daily maximum 8 hours and weekly maximum 40 hours.

Work must be performed between 5:00 a.m. and 10:00 p.m.
Students in Work Experience Education programs may be authorized to work until 12:30 a.m.

AGES: 14 – 15

When school is in session: Daily maximum 3 hours, Monday through Thursday. Weekly maximum 18 hours.

May work 8 hours on Saturday and Sunday.

When school is not in session: (Summer, Spring, and Winter Break) Daily maximum 8 hours and weekly maximum 40 hours.

May work from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. any day of the week. May work from 7:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. when school is not in session.

YOUNGER than 14 

 Labor laws generally prohibit non-farm employment of children younger than 14. Special rules apply to agricultural work, domestic work, and the entertainment industry.