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Smarter Balanced Assessment

An Educational Services Department:

Elementary Curriculum & Instruction (TK-6)

Dr. Syed Hyder, Director
Nyree Clark, EdTech CPS | Amy Kowalski, CPS
Andrea Mooney, CPS | Carrie Northcott, EdTech CPS 
Michelle Ponce, Administrative Assistant I | Robin Urquhart, Assessment & Data Coordinator

Smarter Balanced Assessment

Smarter Balanced Assessment

Common Core Image

California is participating in the Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium (SBAC) with a number of other states to prepare a common set of assessments based on the CCSS. The SBAC is developing new assessments that will be fully implemented by the 2014-15 school year, with pilot testing in 2012-13, and field testing in 2013-14. A news release describing California's involvement with the SBAC was issued on June 9, 2011. Additional information about the consortium, including extensive FAQs, is available on the CDE SBAC Web page and at the SBAC Web site.

The Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium is a multistate consortium working collaboratively to develop a student assessment system aligned with a common core of academic content standards for English language arts/literacy and mathematics. As a Smarter Balanced governing state, California is a decision-making member. Smarter Balanced assessments are designed to measure student progress toward college and career readiness.

Assembly Bill 484 Questions and Answers (Updated 31-Jan-2014)
Questions and answers regarding Assembly Bill (AB) 484, which establishes California's new statewide student assessment system. AB 484 was signed into law on October 2, 2013.

Parent and Student Resources:

The Smarter Balanced Assessment System will give parents and students more accurate and actionable information about what students are learning. Because these assessments are computer adaptive, they will also provide better information about the needs and successes of individual students.  Smarter Balanced Benefits

The Purposes of Smarter Balanced Assessments

Riverside Unified School District has produced a Parent Video that describes the purposes of Smarter Balanced assessments. This 4:40 minute video is told from a student perspective about the importance of the Smarter Balanced Summative test results, and how the new tests will help inform and prepare students for their future.

SBAC Parent Guides Revised 4/2016

Understanding your Child's Scores Report (Videos)