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Immunization Requirements

Pupil Personnel Services Department  909-580-5002

Rob Pearson, Director of Pupil Personnel Services | Kathryn Walck, Coordinator | Elizabeth Dickerson, Coordinator  | Susan Lake, Office Supervisor  

Lisa Lennox, CPS   | Valerie Alatorre, CPS | Stephanie Lin, CPS | Monica Martinez, CPS | Judith Kim, OI Teacher/RSP Rover | Julie Rocha, Admin Assistant

New Pre-Kindergarten (child Care) and School Immunization Requirements July 2019

1. When do the new regulations go into effect?

July 1, 2019.

2. What are the new immunization dose requirements for school (TK/K-12)?

3. What’s DIFFERENT about the new immunization dose requirements for school (TK/K-12)?

Starting in the 2019-2020 school year, school immunization requirements will include:

  • 2 (rather than 1) doses of chickenpox vaccine at
    ♦ TK/Kindergarten entry
    ♦ 7th grade advancement
    ♦ TK/K-12 admission or transfer
  • 2 MMR doses and 3 Hepatitis B vaccine doses at admission or transfer for most K-12 students.

As these requirements reflect longstanding national recommendations, many children have already met these requirements.

TK/K Admission —
New requirements also met by 2 doses measles, 2 doses mumps, and 1 dose rubella vaccine.
** Prior requirements also met by 2 doses measles, 1 dose mumps, and 1 dose rubella vaccine.

1st -12th Grade Admission – 
New requirements also met by 2 doses measles, 2 doses mumps, and 1 dose rubella vaccine.
** Prior requirements also met by:
Age 7-17 years: 1 dose measles, 0 doses mumps, and 1 dose rubella vaccine.
7th grade: 2 doses measles, 0 doses mumps, and 0 doses rubella vaccine.

7th Grade Advancement 
7th grade advancement

4. What’s the SAME about the new immunization dose requirements for school (TK/K-12)?

Other vaccine dose requirements of 5 doses of DTaP, 4 doses of polio, and 1 dose of Tdap at 7th grade entry remain the same.

Not Changing for TK/K - 12 Admission 

5. Where can I find the immunization regulations?

 New Immunization Requirements for 2016

Beginning January 1, 2016, SB 277 takes effect. Families with religious or other personal objections to required vaccinations will no longer be given exemptions when entering California schools or daycare. Most families will not be affected by the new law because their children have received all required vaccinations.

Personal beliefs exemptions on file for a child already attending child care or school will remain valid until the child reaches the next immunization checkpoint at kindergarten (including transitional kindergarten) or 7th grade.

For more information about SB 277, please see the Frequently Asked Questions available at:

If you have questions about the new immunization requirement, please contact your school nurse or our Health Services Office at 909-580-5002.

Thank you for helping us to keep our children and community healthy.

Pertussis (T-Dap) 7th Grade Requirement

For school year 2012-2013, and all future school years, all students entering, advancing or transferring into 7th grade will need proof of Tdap immunization

Pertussis, also known as whooping cough has been widespread in California during 2010. The California Department of Public Health recommends that all Californians 10 years and older receive a booster shot against pertussis. The booster is called Tdap. Do not delay. Look at your child's yellow immunization record and check to see if your child has received a Tdap vaccine after their 10th birthday. If you are not sure whether your child has received this immunization please call your provider and ask.

TDap New Immunization Requirement

Do you have questions about immunizations?  

Contact your school site for further assistance.

No Shots - No School

No Shots - No School