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Digital Citizenship

An Educational Services Department:

Information Technology Department 909-580-6560

Jamal Boyce, Chief Technology Officer  |  Steven Nadziejko, Network Services Manager  |  Bradley Wilson, Information Services Manager

Common Sense Education

Common Sense Education

Digital Citizenship 

Our students are living in a digital world that requires them to interact in non-traditional ways.  These new interactions require new knowledge and safety precautions by students, parents and educators.  We have a responsibility to promote ethnical and safe interactions while we are using technology.  We need to work toward ensuring that our students become responsible Digital Citizens.

Digital Citizenship can be defined as the norms of behavior with regard to technology use.  As a way of understanding the complexity of Digital Citizenship and the issues of technology use, abuse, and misuse, the nine general areas of behavior that make up digital citizenship are identified below.

  1. Etiquette: electronic standards of conduct or procedure
  2. Communication: electronic ex- change of information
  3. Education: the process of teaching and learning about technology and the use of technology
  4. Access: full electronic participation in society
  5. Commerce: electronic buying and selling of goods
  6. Responsibility: electronic responsibility for actions and deeds
  7. Rights: those freedoms extended to everyone in a digital world
  8. Safety: physical well-being in a digital technology world
  9. Security (self-protection): electronic precautions to guarantee safety

While there is no sure fire way to protect our children against Internet dangers, there are things we can do to become familiar with the technology our children use everyday and equip ourselves with basic safety rules and safety rules and sopftware tools that we can use to help protect them.

If you ever feel threatened or believe you are being bullied, please contact your school site administrator. If after contacting your school site administrator, you feel a resolution has not been reached, please contact the Student Services Department at 909-580-6525.