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Cyberbullying Resources

An Educational Services Department:

Information Technology Department 909-580-6560

Jamal Boyce, Chief Technology Officer  |  Steven Nadziejko, Network Services Manager  |  Bradley Wilson, Information Services Manager




The Congressionally-mandated Cyber Tip Line is a means for reporting crimes against children including: Possession, manufacture, and distribution of child pornography Online enticement of children for sexual acts Child prostitution Sex Tourism Involving Children Familial Child Sexual Molestation Unsolicited Obscene Material Sent to a Child Misleading Domain Names Misleading Words or Digital Images on the Internet Reports may be made 24-hours a day, 7 days a week online at the CJUSD TipLine.


For Parents and Students

For Teachers

A Thin Line -MTV speaks out (Spanish)

Enough is Enough -Online Bullying and Internet Safety 101

Cyberbullying Statistics

Heroes in the Hallway -Videos and tips for students.

Cyberbullying -Site is filled with links, information and resources to use in your classroom. 

National Bullying Prevention Center -Bullying resources

Teens Against Bullying Video -Pacer Center

Kids Against Bullying -Pacer Center offers games, videos and tips

Wired Safety -Stop Cyberbullying