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Your Children's Safety is Our Business

The Colton Joint Unified School District Transportation Department provides bus transportation for its students in accordance with the provisions of the Education Code. In order to provide this service with maximum safety, all students must understand the bus driver is in complete charge of the bus. School bus drivers have a tremendous responsibility entrusted upon them and it is important that they have your child's cooperation as well as your cooperation in following bus rules in order to make their bus ride a safe and enjoyable one.

School Bus Pass Application | 2024-2025

CJUSD students transported home to school and/or school to home are required to possess a bus pass. Parents/Guardians must complete a bus pass application so that their student can obtain a bus pass card. The link to the bus pass application is listed below. 

School Bus Pass Application | 2024-25


The Superintendent or designee shall design transportation routes and stops within district boundaries that promote student safety, maximum efficiency in the use of buses, and decreased traffic in and around the schools.

Students shall be eligible for transportation service to and from school if the distance between their school-established bus stop and the school is beyond the minimum listed below:

  1. For elementary school students: Grades K-6: 1.5 miles
  2. For students attending middle school: Grades 7-8: 2 miles
  3. For students attending high school: Grades 9-12: 3 miles

Transportation Routes and Services (Regulation 3541)

  • Bus
  • Bus Routes
  • Transportation

The Superintendent or designee shall design transportation routes and stops within district boundaries that promote student safety, maximum efficiency in the use of buses, and decreased traffic in and around the schools.

Students shall be eligible for transportation service to and from school if the distance between their school-established bus stop and the school is beyond the minimum listed below:

  1. For elementary school students: Grades K-6: 1.5 miles
  2. For students attending middle school: Grades 7-8: 2 miles
  3. For students attending high school: Grades 9-12: 3 miles

Transportation Routes and Services (Regulation 3541)

  • Bus
  • Bus Routes
  • Transportation

Jessica Koahou

Director, Transportation Department

Regina Parks

Transportation Manager

Elizabeth Carcamo

Administrative Assistant I

Bus Routes by School Site

Frequently Asked Questions

Transportation Safety Plan

First page of the PDF file: TransportationSafetyPlan