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Data for School Funding

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All Colton Joint Unified School District schools provide free breakfast and lunch to their respective students through the Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) of the US Department of Agriculture’s National School Lunch Program. To ensure that our students continue to receive the benefits of free meals as well as additional resources and funding for our schools from the Federal government and the State of California, parents and guardians are urged to complete the online “DATA FOR SCHOOL FUNDING FORM”.

If your household has not submitted a Data for School Funding form or has not previously qualified for free or reduced-price meals through the USDA’s National School Lunch Program then a Data for School Funding form will be sent home with your student.

Please complete and return the form to school, or fill out the online DATA FOR SCHOOL FUNDING FORM if you prefer, you may log-in to the Parent Portal to complete the Data for School Funding form online. \(instructions).

This information is solely for the use of ensuring that your child’s school receives the maximum funding possible. For more information on the Community Eligibility Program or the National School Lunch Program, please visit the USDA's website at: