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CJUSD 37th Annual Science & Engineering Fair (2025)

The CJUSD Science and Engineering Fair is an annual competition of science projects designed, developed, and displayed by elementary and secondary students from schools in the Colton Joint Unified School District. 

This year again we will be hosting a hybrid science fair through Z Fairs. This will require students to use this platform to upload their site-winning projects. Uploads must include a digital display board and video presentation explaining their project. Guidelines and full judging information are available below as our fair is modeled directly after the SIMSEF county fair we use the same handbook and safety guidelines. 

To further prepare students and families for the following fair “Division Academies” will be presented by Site Science Fair Coordinators to keep students up to date on the information needed to compete in this year’s science and engineering fair. These academies will cover the range of topics listed below to ensure all students have access to guided project completion. See more information below.  

District Competition: Project check-in, judging, and interviews:
Saturday, January 25, 2025 (Hybrid - Bloomington High School )
8:00 a.m. (Welcome Ceremony begins at 8:30 a.m.) - 12:15 p.m.

Grades 4-5 Elementary Division
All students will submit projects virtually through the Colton Joint Unified School Districts Canvas Platform. Video and Digital Display board submissions will be due by January 10th for participation in the District fair. Judging will occur asynchronously with student submissions.  

Grades 6-8 Junior Division and Grades 9-12 Senior Division
All students will submit projects virtually through the Colton Joint Unified School Districts Z Fairs website. Video and Digital Display board submissions will be due by January 10th for participation in the District fair. Judging will occur asynchronously with student submissions. 

District Awards Ceremony
Awards include trophies, medals, and opportunities for students to move on to further competition at the San Bernardino, Inyo, and Mono Counties (SIM) Science and Engineering Fair.
Tuesday, January 27, 2025 (Bloomington High School)
5:30 p.m. - 6:30 p.m.

TEACHER, PARENT & STUDENT RESOURCES    (Click titles to launch)

Preparing for the Science and Engineering Fair 2020  (Youtube Video by Kevin Temmer 15mins.)

Guides for Boards and Interviews (Created by Ontario-Montclair School District)

SIM Handbook 2019-2020