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The Secondary Literature Advisory Committee

In accordance with California Education Code, in order for a title to be added to the Secondary Core and Extended Literature List, it must be vetted by a representative group consisting of primarily certificated staff, as well as classified staff, and community members. This group, the Literature Advisory Committee, is a sub-committee of the Secondary Curriculum Council. The vetting process is meant to ensure that CJUSD students work with appropriate, high-quality literature of documented instructional merit.

The committee members read the text, analyze its merit in regards to established selection criteria, and then meet to discuss the work and the reviews. The committee reaches a consensus and reports their recommendation to the Curriculum Council who will determine if the title should added to the list and presented to the CJUSD Board for approval.

To volunteer, please complete this application. For more information contact Educational Services 7-12 at 909-580-6542.


CJUSD Secondary Core and Extended Reading List 

CJUSD Secondary Core & Extended Literature List


Requested Titles Currently in Committee

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