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Grading Policy

Student Grades

High School

High school grades are based upon the overall work and attainment of standards for the full term. This means that progress and quarter reports are not final grades, they are reports to parents/students about the student's work up to that point. District policy is not to average grades for the quarter, but to keep a running record of the students work until the final semester grade is posted on the day after the last student attendance day of the semester.

Semester grades are the ONLY grades that remain on student permanent academic transcripts.


The District's grading scale is as follows:

90% and above = A
80 to 89.9% = B
70 to 79.9% = C
60 to 69.9% = D
59.9% and below = F

Grade percentages are based upon the approved grading policy for each course. These can be found in the course description for the course.


Grade point average, or GPA is recorded for each student for the term and as a running total for their four years of high school. GPA is used to determine eligibility for athletics, extra curricular, concurrent enrollment at college programs, and is a determining factor for college acceptance.

To figure out GPA, a student's class grade is multiplied by the amount of credits earned. These are totaled and divided by the total number of credits earned that term. Grades of W, NM, and P are not used to figure out GPA.

A = 4 points
B = 3 points
C = 2 points
D = 1 point
F = 0 points 


Example:  A  student took five classes and earned five credits for each course. Their grades were A, B, C, D and F.

A grade--4 points times 5 credits earned--20

B grade--3 points times 5 credits earned--15 

C grade--2 points times 5 credits earned--10

D grade--1 point times 5 credits earned--5

F grade--0 points times 5 credits earned--0

Total credits earned = 25/50 grade points--2.0 GPA

2.0 GPA is a C average 






The California Education Code 49066 (education law) places the teacher as the determiner of student academic performance. Their grades are final and may only be challenged if clerical or mechanical mistake, fraud, bad faith, or incompetency can be proven. Bad faith may be proven if the teacher did not comply with District/course description grading policy. To appeal a grade, contact the teacher first. If you are unsatisfied with the results of that meeting, contact your site administrator with a written request and provide evidence to support your appeal. You will be notified of the results of your appeal within 30 days

CJSD Challenging Student Records Administrative Regulation 5125.3

Challenging Student Records Administrative Regulation 5125.3