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Elementary Curriculum & Instruction (TK-6)

Dr. Syed Hyder, Director
 | Amy Kowalski, CPS
Andrea Mooney, CPS | Carrie Northcott, EdTech CPS 
Michelle Ponce, Administrative Assistant I | Robin Urquhart, Assessment & Data Coordinator


The Elementary Curriculum Department is committed to helping every student achieve excellence in meeting the rigorous expectations of the Common Core State Standards, build a foundation for college and career readiness and develop as life-long learners ready for the challenges of the 21st century.

Walk into one of our classrooms and you will notice how our teachers and students have embraced the 21st-century technology in their daily lessons. Some students may be using Chromebooks to share writing with their peers and their teacher on a Google App, another group of students may be using an iPad to prepare a presentation on plants, or others may be on Lexia working diligently to improve their reading skills. In addition to all the new technology, the delivery and content of lessons have also significantly changed in our classrooms. For example, students are reading more non-fiction books and digging deeper to evaluate the text by employing Close Reading strategies In math, students may be figuring out different methods to solve a problem and analyzing each other's approach and finding solutions to real-life problems.

As our students and teachers navigate the immense paradigm shifts in the curriculum, instruction and assessment, the curriculum department is helping by planning, organizing, and coordinating the implementation of different aspects of the instructional program for TK-6 students.

We hope the resources available on this page are helpful to you and the academic and personal success of your child.

Help Us Support Literacy

Common Core Text Exemplars:

Common Core State Standards for English Langauge Arts Appenedix B:  text Exemplars and Sample Performance Tasks.

Help Your Child Become a Reader:
U.S. Department of Education activities for children from infancy through age 6.